Rendering and System Interaction

Tissue Forge provides a number of methods to interact with the rendering engine and host CPU via the system module (system namespace in C++). Basic information about a Tissue Forge installation can be retrieved on demand, including information about the CPU, software compilation and available graphics hardware,

import tissue_forge as tf

print('CPU info:', tf.system.cpu_info())
print('Compilation info:', tf.system.compile_flags())
print('OpenGL info:', tf.system.gl_info())

The system module provides rendering methods for customizing basic visualization during simulation. Basic visualization customization combines with specifications made using Style objects,

# Disable scene decorations
# Reduce shininess by 50%
tf.system.set_shininess(0.5 * tf.system.get_shininess())
# Move camera location
tf.system.set_light_direction(tf.FVector3(1, 1, 1))

Screenshots can be taken of the current view and saved to file. Temporary modifications to select features can be applied when generating a screenshot, like disabling scene decorations and altering the background color of the scene,

# Save a .png screenshot of the current scene as it's displayed
# Save a .jpg screenshot without decorations and a white background
tf.system.screenshot('mysim.jpg', decorate=False, bgcolor=[1, 1, 1])

Tissue Forge currently supports generating screenshots and saving with the following file formats,

  • Windows Bitmap (.bmp)

  • JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg/.jpe)

  • Radiance HDR (.hdr)

  • PNG (.png)

  • Truevision TGA (.tga)

Controlling the Camera

The view of a simulation can be retrieved or set at any time during simulation, including in custom keyboard commands,

# camera view parameters for storing and reloading
view_center, view_rotation, view_zoom = None, None, None
# key "s" stores a view; key "e" restores a stored view
def do_key_actions(event):
    if event.key_name == "s":
        global view_center, view_rotation, view_zoom
        view_center = tf.system.camera_center()
        view_rotation = tf.system.camera_rotation()
        view_zoom = tf.system.camera_zoom()
    elif event.key_name == "e" and view_center is not None:
        tf.system.camera_move_to(view_center, view_rotation, view_zoom)


Tissue Forge also provides commands to perform precise adjustments to the camera view in terms of rotations, zoom and camera position,

from math import pi
# Move to an isometric view (camera position, view center, upward axis)
tf.system.camera_move_to(tf.FVector3(10, 10, 10), tf.FVector3(0, 0, 0), tf.FVector3(0, 0, 1))
# Zoom in
# Rotate about the z-axis
tf.system.camera_rotate_by_euler_angle(tf.FVector3(0, 0, pi / 2))
# Show a preview
# Reset the camera after closing and then run
# Enable camera lagging

Creating and Controlling Clip Planes

Large and densly populated simulations can generate regions of space that are difficult to inspect during simulation. For such cases, Tissue Forge supports introducing clip planes to the visualization of simulation data. A clip plane divides the simulation domain by an imaginary plane, one side of which is visualized, and the other side of which is not visualized. Tissue Forge supports up to 8 clip planes at any given time in simulation.

A Tissue Forge simulation can be initialized in Python with one or more clip planes using the keyword argument clip_planes in the init function. Clip planes in Python are specified in a list of tuples (in C++, a string with the same syntax is passed), where each tuple specifies a clip plane. Each tuple contains two elements: a three-element list specifying a point on the clip plane, and a three-element list specifying the components of the normal vector of the plane,

import tissue_forge as tf
# Initialize with a clip plane at the center along the y-z plane
tf.init(dim=[10, 10, 10], clip_planes=[([5, 5, 5], [1, 0, 0])])

Existing clip planes can be retrieved using the rendering.ClipPlanes interface, which provides rendering.ClipPlane objects for interacting with clip planes during a simulation,

# See how many clip planes we currently have
print('Number of clip planes:', tf.rendering.ClipPlanes.len())  # Prints "1", from init
# Get the clip plane created during initialization
clip_plane0 = tf.rendering.ClipPlanes.item(0)  # Returned object is a tf.rendering.ClipPlane

The rendering.ClipPlanes interface also provides the ability to create new clip planes at any time during a simulation,

# Create a second clip plane at the center along the x-z plane
clip_plane1 = tf.rendering.ClipPlanes.create(, tf.FVector3(0, 1, 0))

A rendering.ClipPlane instance provides a live interface to its clip plane in the Tissue Forge rendering engine, so that clip planes can be manipulated or destroyed at any time in simulation after their creation,

# Move the first clip plane to the origin and cut diagonally across the domain
clip_plane0.setEquation(tf.FVector(0, 0, 0), tf.FVector3(1, 1, 1))
# Remove the second clip plane


Destroying a rendering.ClipPlane can have downstream effects on the validity of other rendering.ClipPlane instances. When a rendering.ClipPlane instance is created, it refers to a clip plane by index from a list of clip planes in the rendering engine. If a clip plane is removed from the middle of the list of clip planes, then all instances after it in the list are shifted downward (like popping from a Python list). As such, all rendering.ClipPlane instances that refer to downshifted clip planes have invalid reference indices. Invalid references can be repaired by decrementing their attribute index, though a more reliable approach is to always refer to clip planes using the rendering.ClipPlanes static method item (e.g., tf.rendering.ClipPlanes.item(1).destroy()).

Visualizing Bonded Interactions

Bonded interactions are visualized using simple lines by default. However, Tissue Forge supports generating production-quality data visualization by providing a runtime interface to dynamically control whether bonded interactions are visualized using simple lines (performance-friendly) or three-dimensional objects (production-friendly). At any time during simulation, visualization of bonds, angles and dihedrals can be individually or collectively set to either simple lines or three-dimensional objects.

# Enable three-dimensional bond visualization
# Check whether doing angle three-dimensional visualization
angles_3d = tf.system.get_rendering_3d_angles()
# Toggle dihedral three-dimensional visualization
# Enable three-dimensional visualization of all bonded interaction