Creating Particles and Particle Types

The particle is the most basic physical object of Tissue Forge. A particle occupies a point in space and necessarily has a mass. Forces acts on a particle and cause a corresponding change in its trajectory according to the dynamics of a simulation. A particle has a specified radius for various modeling and visualization purposes, but has no intrinsic volume. Like the radius property, a particle has other properties that can be assigned to it that have no meaning except within the context of a model. Depending on the application, a particle can represent an atom, a molecule, a point on a surface or in a lattice, a part of a cell, a cell, a parcel of material, or something else with a dynamic position. Particles in Tissue Forge can be created and destroyed, interact with each other and other objects, and even carry cargo that can be transported between particles.

Particle Types

The only meaning that Tissue Forge assigns to particles is that each particle is an instance of a particle type. A particle type defines a template definition from which particles can be created, and a particle type is an identifier of a corresponding group of particles in a simulation such that all particles can always be grouped according to a set of particle types. A particle can change type, and particle processes, interactions and properties in Tissue Forge can be specified on the basis of individual particles, but each particle always has a type, and the particle type defines the initial properties of the particle that the particle type can create.

As such, the basic specification of particle properties in Tissue Forge occurs through the specification of particle types. Every particle type is a subclass of the Tissue Forge class ParticleType. Each particle type in a simulation is an object in memory that is instantiated and can be used for various tasks (e.g., to create particles). However, unlike a particle, an instance of a particle type is not a model object, but rather a dynamic model definition and simulation entry point for specifying particle properties on the basis of type (e.g., particle dynamics) and doing type-related operations (e.g., finding all particles of a type). Furthermore, Tissue Forge only recognizes particle types that have been registered with Tissue Forge for a simulation, and there is exactly one instance of each registered particle type that Tissue Forge works with during a simulation. ParticleType and each subclass of it has a special method get that retrieves the instance of the particle type that Tissue Forge is using in a simulation (assuming the type has been registered), which is not necessarily an instance of a particle type that might be created during simulation. This way, the working instance of a registered particle type can be retrieved from Tissue Forge and interacted with by referring to the corresponding class definition of the particle type.

Tissue Forge provides a few ways to create and register particle types. The recommend method of creating a particle type in Python is to create a class definition that is a subclass of ParticleTypeSpec, and likewise in C to particularize a struct tfParticleTypeSpec. In C++, a class can be directly derived from a ParticleType. The properties of a particle type can be changed at anytime during a simulation without issue, with the exception of its name. For many reasons related to computational performance and model accessibility, the name of a particle type can be set during a simulation. However, doing so after registering a particle type will result in undefined behavior and likely cause a simulation to fail.

In Python, particle types can be specified using a class definition that derives from the class ParticleTypeSpec, and properties can be specified as class attributes,

import tissue_forge as tf

class MyParticleType(tf.ParticleTypeSpec):
    mass = 1.0
    radius = 1.0
    dynamics = tf.Overdamped

A new particle type can be simultaneously instantiated and registered with Tissue Forge in Python with the class method ParticleTypeSpec.get,

my_particle_type = MyParticleType.get()


In Python, ParticleTypeSpec is not the same as ParticleType. Rather, it is a convenience class that automates the process of creating, registering and retrieving a ParticleType instance with Tissue Forge using the class method get, which always returns the actual registered ParticleType instance without ambiguity. A ParticleTypeSpec instance can be instantiated in the typical way and operated on without any need for the Tissue Forge engine, so long as get is not called on the instance. Furthermore, additional specifications can be made on a ParticleTypeSpec class definition. However, self in a ParticleTypeSpec method does not refer to the corresponding ParticleType instance registered with Tissue Forge.

Particle type definitions can then be changed on-the-fly in Python for particles created later in simulation,

# Changing back to default dynamics!
my_particle_type.dynamics = tf.Newtonian

In C++, particle types can be specified using a class definition that derives from the class ParticleType, and properties can be specified as members during instantiation,

#include <TissueForge.h>
using namespace TissueForge;

struct MyParticleType : ParticleType {
    MyParticleType() : ParticleType(true) {
        mass = 1.0;
        radius = 1.0;
        dynamics = PARTICLE_OVERDAMPED;

Note that registerType is how particle types are registered with Tissue Forge. The call to registerType in the constructor is optional, and can instead be called after instantiation of the particle type (i.e., subsequent attempts to register the type are ignored).

A registered particle type can be retrieved from Tissue Forge in C++ with the class method ParticleType::get, the returned pointer of which is of type ParticleType that can be safely cast to the new particle type (assuming no conflicting additional specifications on the class definition),

MyParticleType *myParticleType = new MyParticleType();
myParticleType = (MyParticleType*)myParticleType->get();

Particle type definitions can then be changed on-the-fly in C++ for particles created later in simulation,

// Changing back to default dynamics!
myParticleType->dynamics = PARTICLE_NEWTONIAN

A particle type can also be created on the fly using a unique name, and the unique name can be used to retrieve the registered particle type instance from Tissue Forge. In Python,

another_particle_type = tf.ParticleType.newType('AnotherParticleType')
another_particle_type = tf.ParticleType_FindFromName('AnotherParticleType')


Particle type instances function like factories of particles. Each particle type instance can be called like a function to create exactly one new particle. Such a call returns a handle to the newly created particle. Referring to the previous examples in Python,

particle_handle = my_particle_type(position=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], velocity=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
# Change the mass of this particle
particle_handle.mass = 0.5

When an initial position or velocity is not specified while creating a particle, it is randomly selected. Initial position, when randomly selected, is always within the universe. Initial velocity, when randomly selected, has a random direction but speed such that the initial kinetic energy of the particle is equal to the particle type property target_temperature (in C++, target_energy).

Properties of individual particles can be set at any time during simulation, including mass, velocity and radius. While most vector quantities like velocity can be set both by vector and vector component, the particle position requires a special exception where it can only be set using a full vector value, which helps Tissue Forge maintain critically important aspects of its computational performance.

particle_handle.radius *= 2      # Double the particle radius
particle_handle.velocity[0] = 0  # Stop particle motion along the x-direction
# Set the y-component of the particle position
position = particle_handle.position
position[1] = 2
particle_handle.position = position


When the radius of a particle exceeds the global cutoff distance, the particle is classified as a large particle. While some scenarios may warrant the usage of large particles, their support in Tissue Forge is limited and, in general, their usage is discouraged in favor of adjusting the size, scale and cutoff distance of the simulation such that all particles are smaller than the cutoff distance. For more information, see Numerical Details.


A cluster is a special kind of particle that contains other particles, including other clusters, with a corresponding base cluster type. The cluster and cluster type are extensions of the particle and particle types, respectively, and so the same properties and methods are available to each along with the additional descriptions supporting this idea of a cluster.

In general, operations concerning particles and particle types are not concerned with the distinction between a particle and a cluster. As such, operations can return a cluster or cluster type instance as a particle or particle type instance. To handle any ambiguity about whether a particle is actually a cluster, each particle type has a method isCluster that returns true if the particle type is a cluster type. In such cases, corresponding particles can be safely cast to a cluster type in appropriate languages. In Python, this cast can be accomplished with the particle method to_cluster, which returns a cluster instance of the same underlying particle. Likewise the get method of cluster types in Python correctly returns instances of the cluster type.

Clusters also have unique properties (e.g., center of mass, particle inventory) that are derived from their constituent particles, and unique processes that involve their constituent particles (e.g., cleavage). Clusters can also interact with other particles on the basis of particle types and cluster ownership.

Defining Clusters

The class ClusterParticleType corresponds to ParticleType for clusters, and the class Cluster corresponds to Particle. New cluster types can be specified in the same way as particle types, with the additional specification of other particle and cluster types that constitute it with the cluster type property types.

import tissue_forge as tf

class ConstitutiveType(tf.ParticleTypeSpec):
    radius = 0.1

constitutive_type = ConstitutiveType.get()

class MyClusterType(tf.ClusterParticleTypeSpec):
    radius = 1.0
    types = [constitutive_type]

In C++, cluster particle types can be created by deriving a new class definition from ClusterParticleType and adding type ids to the member types. Similar procedures can be accomplished in C using operations defined for struct tfClusterParticleTypeHandle (see tfCCluster.h).

Creating with Clusters

Clusters have the unique ability to function like particle types in that they, like particle types, can create new constituent particles, and in a similar way. A particle of a constituent particle type of a cluster can be created using the cluster in the same way as when creating with a particle type, but while passing the constituent particle type to be created. Constituent particles created by a particular cluster belong to that cluster,

my_cluster_type = MyClusterType.get()
cluster_particle = my_cluster_type(position=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
const_part = cluster_particle(particle_type=my_cluster_type, position=[2.0, 2.0, 3.0])