
Tissue Forge has a detailed logging system. Many internal methods will log extensive details to either the log (typically stderr) or a user specified file path. The logging system can be configured to log events at various levels of detail. All methods of the Logger are static, and are available immediately upon loading the Tissue Forge package.

To display logging at the lowest level (TRACE), where every logging message is displayed, is as simple as,

import tissue_forge as tf

Enabling logging to terminal and disabling are also single commands,


Messages can also be added to the log by logging level.

tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.FATAL, "A fatal message. This is the highest priority.")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.CRITICAL, "A critical message")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.ERROR, "An error message")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.WARNING, "A warning message")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.NOTICE, "A notice message")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.INFORMATION, "An informational message")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.DEBUG, "A debugging message.")
tf.Logger.log(tf.Logger.TRACE,  "A tracing message. This is the lowest priority.")

Error Handling

To support interactive execution, many errors in Tissue Forge do not necessarily terminate execution of a simulation by default. Rather, an error that does not corrupt simulation data (e.g., bad specification of a particle location) allows a simulation to proceed but posts an Error, and also logs the error at the ERROR level. Errors that have been posted can be retrieved in order of their posting with err_get_all, or the current first posted error can be retrieved and removed from the list of errors with err_pos_first. The function err_occurred returns True when any error is currently posted, and err_clear clears all posted errors.

# Create a bond with potential ``pot`` between particles ``p0`` and ``p1``
b = tf.Bond.create(pot, p0, p1)
# The particles are accessible at indices ``0`` and ``1``; an error results at other indices
p2 = b[2]
# Do error checking and maybe terminate if certain errors occurred
while tf.err_occurred():
    error: tf.Error = tf.err_pop_first()
    # Exit or continue, depending on the error code
    if error.err < 0:

Many errors include useful information about what caused the error, and useful suggestions about how to prevent the error from occuring. However, error logging and reporting is an ongoing effort, and so in some cases mitigating an error may not be obvious. Tissue Forge supports setting whether errors result in thrown exceptions with the module-level method throw_exceptions`, for with the init keyword argument throw_exc.


In cases where error reporting can be improved, users are welcome to create an issue on the Tissue Forge repository and report the error circumstances and error information provided by Tissue Forge. Users are also welcome to submit pull requests that improve existing error reporting and add new reporting.