
One of the main goals of Tissue Forge is to enable users to rapidly develop and explore empirical or phenomenological models of active and biological matter in the 100nm to multiple cm range. Supporting modeling and simulation in these ranges requires a good deal of flexibility to create and calibrate potential functions to model material rheology and particle interactions.

Tissue Forge provides a wide range of potentials in the Potential class. Any of the built-in potential functions can be created as objects in a simulation using a static method on the Potential class, which can be bound to pairs and groups of particles to implement models of interactions.

Creating, Plotting and Exploring Potentials

Potential objects are created simply by calling one of the static methods on the Potential class. In Python, Potential objects conveniently have a plot method that displays a graph of the potential energy in a matplotlib plot. For example, while working with the built-in Generalized Lennard-Jones potential,

import tissue_forge as tf
pot = tf.Potential.glj(1)
pot.plot(potential=True, force=False, ymin=-1, ymax=1)

results in


A Potential instance can also be created by adding two existing instances. Such operations can be arbitrarily performed to construct complicated potentials consisting of multiple constituent potentials,

pot_charged = tf.Potential.coulomb(q=1)
pot_fluid = tf.Potential.dpd(alpha=0.3, gamma=1, sigma=1, cutoff=0.6)
pot_charged_fluid = pot_charged + pot_fluid


Changes to constituent potentials during simulation are reflected in potentials that have been constructed from them using summation operations.

Tissue Forge also supports creating custom potentials with the Potential method custom. A custom Potential requires the domain of the Potential and, at minimum, a function that takes a float as argument and returns the value of the Potential at the argument value. Tissue Forge constructs an interpolation of a potential function using functions that return the value of the Potential, its first derivative, and its sixth derivative. When a function is not provided for either derivative, the derivative is approximated using finite difference,

pot_custom = tf.Potential.custom(min=0.0, max=2.0,
                                 f=lambda r: (r-1.0) ** 6.0,            # Potential function
                                 fp=lambda r: 6.0 * (r-1.0) ** 5.0,     # First derivative
                                 f6p=lambda r: 720.0)                   # Sixth derivative

Potentials for angle and dihedral bonds can be created by passing Potential.Flags.angle.value and Potential.Flags.dihedral.value, respectively (POTENTIAL_ANGLE and POTENTIAL_DIHEDRAL in C++, respectively), to the keyword argument flags. In both cases, the cosine of the angle of an angle or dihedral bond is passed as argument to the potential function,

pot_angle = tf.Potential.custom(min=-0.999, max=0.999,
                                f=lambda r: cos(2.0 * acos(r)),


The cosine of angles is used when evaluating angle and dihedral bonds to improve computational performance, but presents challenges to creating custom potentials in that analytic expressions for derivatives of the potential function can be excessively tedious to derive and implement. This issue motivates providing built-in support for approximating derivatives using finite difference. However, providing functions for the first and sixth derivative of a potential function is recommended whenever possible, as is examining the quality of the generated interpolation of a potential function before using it in a simulation using plot.

Built-in Potentials

Presently, the following built-in potential functions are supported, with corresponding constructor method. For details on the parameters of each function, refer to the Tissue Forge API Reference.

  • 12-6 Lennard-Jones: Potential.lennard_jones_12_6

  • 12-6 Lennard-Jones with shifted Coulomb: Potential.lennard_jones_12_6_coulomb

  • Coulomb: Potential.coulomb

  • Coulomb reciprocal potential: Potential.coulombR

  • Dissipative particle dynamics: Potential.dpd

  • Ewald (real-space): Potential.ewald

  • Generalized Lennard-Jones: Potential.glj

  • Harmonic: Potential.harmonic

  • Harmonic angle: Potential.harmonic_angle

  • Harmonic dihedral: Potential.harmonic_dihedral

  • Cosine dihedral: Potential.cosine_dihedral

  • Linear: Potential.linear

  • Morse: Potential.morse

  • Overlapping sphere: Potential.overlapping_sphere

  • Power: Potential.power

  • Well: Potential.well

Shifted Potentials

Some potentials (e.g., morse) provide default or optional shifted forms. When a potential is shifted, the distance between two particles during an interaction is shifted by the sum of radii of the two particles. For example, the two following potentials produce the same potential, though only one uses shifting,

class PType(tf.ParticleTypeSpec):
    radius = 0.1
ptype = PType.get()

pot_shifted = tf.Potential.morse(min=-ptype.radius * 2, max=2 - ptype.radius * 2, r0=0)
pot_noshift = tf.Potential.morse(min=0, max=2, r0=ptype.radius * 2, shifted=False)

Potential Details

Most potentials define a range of distances over which two particles interact, which Tissue Forge uses to construct an interpolation of the potential function for imposing forces on interacting particles. As such, interpolated potentials cannot be altered once they have been created, and so changing a potential during a simulation requires replacing the potential with an updated version of itself. For potentials that are bound to pairs of particles by type, performing binding replaces any potential that was previously bound to a pair of particle types. For updating bonded interactions, a bond can simply be destroyed and recreated with the updated potential. Furthermore, potentials that use interpolations are not defined outside of their prescribed range of distances. For the case of two particles that are separated by a distance greater than the maximum distance of a potential range, Tissue Forge simply ignores the potential (like the global cutoff distance). For the case of two particles that are separated by a distance less than the minimum distance of a potential range, the magnitude of the resulting force at the minimum distance of the potential range is applied.