Boundary Conditions

Tissue Forge supports a number of boundary conditions on bases as detailed as individual boundaries and particle types, to as generic as default conditions on all boundaries. In Python, different boundary conditions can be specified via the argument bc to the top-level init method, where heterogeneous conditions are specified by passing a dictionary, and homogeneous conditions are specified by passing a constant. In C++, different boundary conditions can be specified by creating and configuring a BoundaryConditionsArgsContainer instance (defined in tfBoundaryConditions.h), and then setting it on the member universeConfig of a Simulator::Config instance using the method setBoundaryConditions before initializing Tissue Forge with init.

In general, each boundary can be referred to with the names "left" and "right" for the lower and upper boundaries along the first spatial dimension, "bottom" and "top" for the lower and upper boundaries along the second dimension, and "back" and "front" for the lower and upper boundaries along the third dimension. Both boundaries along the first spatial dimension can be reffered to with the name "x", along the second dimension as "y", and along the third dimension as "z". Each type of boundary condition also has a designated name, which can be referred to using a string, as well as a constant.


The periodic boundary condition effectively simulates an infinite domain where any agents that leave one side automatically appears at the opposite boundary. Also, agents near a boundary can interact with the agents near the opposite boundary, (e.g. a repulsive interaction can occur between agents near the left and right boundaries). Periodic boundary conditions also determine how chemical fluxes operate. The periodic boundary condition can be employed using the name "periodic" and constant BOUNDARY_PERIODIC.

import tissue_forge as tf
tf.init(bc={'x':'periodic', 'z' : tf.BOUNDARY_PERIODIC})

Free-slip and No-slip

Free-slip and no-slip boundary conditions reflect particles that impact a boundary back into the simulation domain. Free-slip boundaries are essentially equivalent to a boundary moving at the same tangential velocity with the simulation objects, and can be thought of as each impacting agent colliding with an equivlent ghost agent with the same tangent velocity at the boundary. No-slip boundaries are equivalent to a stationary wall, in that impacting particles bounce straight back, inverting their velocity. Free-slip and no-slip boundary conditions can be employed using the names "freeslip" and "noslip" and constants BOUNDARY_FREESLIP and BOUNDARY_NO_SLIP, respectively.

tf.init(bc={'front':'freeslip', 'back' : tf.BOUNDARY_FREESLIP,
            'left': 'noslip', 'right': tf.BOUNDARY_NO_SLIP})


A velocity boundary condition models a simulation domain with a moving boundary. For example, the no-slip boundary condition is a particularization of the velocity boundary conditon to zero velocity. The velocity boundary condition can be employed with the name "velocity".

tf.init(bc={'top': {'velocity': [-1, 0, 0]})


Tissue Forge supports implementing a potential boundary condition as an interaction between a boundary and a particle type according to a potential. When a boundary condition is designated as a potential, a potential can later be bound to the boundary and types of particles. The potential boundary condition can be employed with the name "potential" and constant BOUNDARY_POTENTIAL.

tf.init(bc={'top': 'potential', 'bottom': tf.BOUNDARY_POTENTIAL})
# Bind potentials later for the top and bottom boundaries!


A reset boundary condition is an additional condition that can be added to periodic boundary conditions for modeling convection through a domain. When a particle crosses a periodic boundary that has a reset condition, all species attached to the particle are reset to their initial concentration. Applications that employ the reset boundary condition to model convection generate simulations that have no total change in bulk material, but can have significant total chemical flux into and out of the domain, depending on the sources, sinks and reactions in the simulation domain. The reset boundary condition can be employed with the name "reset".

# Initialize a domain like a section of a tunnel, with flow along the x-direction
tf.init(dim=[10, 5, 5],
        bc={'x': ('periodic', 'reset'), 'y': 'no_slip', 'z': 'no_slip'})